Mental Health
What Your Therapist is thinking about in That Therapy Session
An interesting article on how a therapist view some common fears many patients may have, the difference between holding up s mirror and giving “idiot compassion” and more. For full story click...Awareness Isn’t Enough: We Need Autism Acceptance Month
We at VRCaPS would like to celebrate Autism Awareness but are looking to see Understanding and Acceptance. Autism is often seen as a disability when in truth it is a different way of processing data. ‘Click here to read more about how the different ways of seeing...Is the American special education system failing children with autism?
Education is a preparation for the future and special education is no different. It is not just about therapy and it definitely is not a form of daycare. Education and therapeutic services need to have an awareness of each child’s strengths and weaknesses with...
Advice From Penn Positive Psychology Center on Happiness
Elimination of stress and anxiety might not be the only, or best way of making you feel better. According to Dr. Seligman–one of the leaders in the field of positive psychology–there are four major components to well-being: engagement, good relationships,...